Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How I got introduced to Paper quilling

It's a quite interesting story on how I got introduced to paper quilling. First time I saw a paper quilling art was years ago back in my home country, in Asia. I accidentally saw Yulia Brodskaya's website where she put beautiful artworks of hers. I began to be interested to the beauty of her art pieces, but from where I came from I didn't think I could find materials to do so. So I was just enjoying by looking of it. Eventually I forgot about it.

Then came the time when I moved to Denmark. It was after around 8 months I resided to Copenhagen, when I suddenly saw this package of pre-cut paper (in danish it is called papistrimler), which was sold at this store called Søstrenes Grene. At the moment I saw it, I was very excited because it reminded me of my long-forgotten interest. I then started to google around and found many lovely pictures of other people's paper quilling art. I began to make some stuff, well first I have to admit I followed some tutorials, but then I made my own art.

The above one was for my girlfriend's sister. And then I made one for my girlfriend ;). It's this one....

And then for the family in Copenhagen, whom is my host family.

More to come in the future ;)