Thursday, November 27, 2014

Danbo and LEGO series

Everyone knows I love Danbo. This little toy really is very cute and makes me wanting to learn more about toy photography. How come I am interested with toy photography? It all began after I watched Toy Story movie. Being an imaginative kid back then made me think what if toys really are alive when humans are not around or asleep. But it is actually interesting to see toy photography around the web. It all shows as if toys are really like humans, doing activities etc :)

Good thing is, I don't have to have toys on my own to support my ideas for toy photography. That is because I live together with my host family. One of the kids has so many LEGO series in his room. I began to think what kind of pictures I can take with all these LEGOs, together with Danbo :D.

Here are some of the results hehehe...

Danbo and LEGO bricks (Flag of Denmark)

Danbo loves Padme Amidala

Danbo and Padme Amidala

Danbo as the hostage of Star Wars soldiers

Danbo to the rescue of Cinderella (versus spider droid and Star Wars soldier)

Danbo in rescue of Cinderella (versus LEGO golden Ninjago dragon)

Danbo versus LEGO Star Wars spider droid 

Danbo versus LEGO golden Ninjago dragon

Danbo as Pirate Captain

More fun adventures of Danbo in the future! :D

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Danbo as Pirate Captain

I have some ideas in my head about more of Danbo's adventures. Since I mentioned before, that I live with a family that have kids, there are so many toys in the house to support my ideas. One of them is for Halloween purpose. As you know, on Halloween day people wear costumes. So suddenly I thought, why not making some costumes for Danbo as well? Well, it was not a clear idea, until I went to Søstrene Grene store last 2 weeks ago. I saw some funny stuff to buy and here are what I bought:

From those stuff, plus the toys I can find at home, I made pictures of Danbo like these:

Now Danbo is the Pirate Captain (notice the hook on its left hand? hehehe). You know I was using the Lego ship (I don't know which version of it) and well it is supposed to be not a pirate ship but well I just put the flag, that I bought from the store, on the top of the pole. (Looking sharp, Danbo!)

And btw, that is the quilt that's under the ship hehehe.. That was so right in time, that Caspar was using this type of quilt. I get to have sea-alike water effect :).

The last 3 pictures, I used the toys from the kids of a friend of mine. He has real pirate ship, so I tried to take pic of it with the hope to get better picture. But it turned out I could not take the whole of the ship as it was too big. I also used the floor mat that is blue colored, hoping that it would look like the sea, but well I could not take the whole picture with a sharp result. 

But well that's the best that I could do. More pictures to come!

Sunday, October 26, 2014


Hi everyone, today I am going to write a little bit about my new toy Danbo. It is a fictional cardboard box robot character from Yotsuba&! manga. I have known about Danbo for quite a while now. It was several years ago when I came across some sites that feature some images of Danbo. For me it is special because there are people out there who are so creative, taking pictures of Danbo doing several activities. Take a look at this example..

All images' credits go to this site.

Then just 2 months ago, with the help from a friend, I finally had a chance to have it! (Thanks, Christine!). I bought it from Amazon through this link ( If you live in UK, you can find it through this link. If you wish to have it shipped from Spain (link), Canada (link), Germany (link), France (link).

Anyways, here are pictures of Danbo that I took by myself.

Good thing is, I live with a family that has kids. So they have many toys that can support my ideas of creating Danbo's activities hehehe. Hope you enjoy it :). More and more pictures to come in the future! See you on other posts.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Personalized paper quilling for a friend

Hi everyone, I am back again blogging :). It has been gloomy weather here in Denmark and I am currently not in a best mood. But well it will be gone eventually. I mean, this gloomy feeling (and hopefully also the weather). Anyways, I was going to write about what I made around 4 months ago for a friend of mine who had a birthday and we were getting close that moment as we most of the weekends hung out together.

Basically, she loves alcohol (what a drunkard... Hey K if you read this, I was just saying.. lol), cigarettes, and such a party animal. So I figured to make something that has all of those details. Here is the result...

If you pay attention to the image, you will see those 3 details that I mentioned before. In case you could not see it, here is better explanation of what I mentioned before.

So, cigarette, music, and wine glass.. as well as her name. It is her nickname that a dear friend gave to her and it became a habit to call her that :).

Friday, October 3, 2014

Birthday gift for my host kids

I am so grateful for the chance to live together with my current host family. I have been living in Denmark for almost 2 years now and with them it has been 1 year and 2 months. My host parents have 2 kids, a boy and a girl named Caspar and Frida. When they had their birthdays, I also would like to give them something that I made by myself.

Caspar loves Lego, robots, all boy stuff, whilst Frida loves all things related to princess stuff. Well at the moment I could make animal-shaped paper quilling. Caspar loves everything with dinosaur and Frida loves rabbits.

Here are what I made..

And this is for Caspar..

When I gave the one for Caspar, it is actually a card. I wrote him something like:

''Dear Caspar, this dinosaur represents you as a lovely, happy and strong boy. I hope you remain the same forever. Hugs''

After he read that, he started to be teary, as well as my host mother and host father hehe. And I am so weak when it comes to see people starting to be teary, so I began to be teary as well. Quite awkward but well they love it and I will always remember that moment :)

Heart paper quilling card

Hey, I got an order from a friend to make for her a paper quilling card. So it was her monthversary (I guess) with her boyfriend, and she wanted to give him something other than a gift. So she asked me if I could make one for her. The difficulty is to decide how much it costs haha. Well in the beginning I told my friend that it would be for free, since she is my good friend. But she told me no, and that she would want to pay.

So then I decided to let her just decide how much she would pay me based on this result...

After making that, I was thinking if it is too much for a guy or not. I mean, this card was supposed to be for her boyfriend haha. Well....

What do you think would this cost? 

Giraffe paper quilling

This is what I made for my girlfriend's cousin, whom at that time moved in to Nairobi. I figured to give her something made by myself, to remind her about her home country, which is Greece. I found out that she likes giraffe, so I made one...

At the top right side, you could see that there is a blue-and-white small house standing right next to Greek flag. Also right next to the house there is the lemon tree. So yes those are things to remind her about Greece. I did not have that much of green paper back then so I just colored the hill with a colored pen. It looks very childish, but well what matters she likes it hehehe.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Little monkeys paper quilling for my soulmate :D

So it was my soulmate's coming-up birthday which would be in the last week of January. This was gonna be the second paper quilling for January, as previously I have made one for my host mother. I usually make something based on what they like (because it is gonna be a certain thing that they would like it, well at least in my theory :P). So I was trying to list down the things she likes. It was kind of difficult to decide as she likes many things hehe. But well I managed.

Since she loves monkeys, purple, and banana, I the decided to make a paper quilling art for her, with a form of purple-colored monkey, with a banana hehehe.

Here goes the beginning of the process of making..

It took me time to decide how the monkey head would be. Well that one is orange-colored, yes. It is mostly for me, since I like many colors such as green, brown, and orange. So that orange monkey represents me (hehehee).

It looks like it's dancing, eh? Nope it is not dancing. In fact, it is trying to hand over something to the next monkey I was about to show you :). But then I got confused to decide between a heart, or a banana. Look look...

After thinking and thinking, I then decided to just go for the original idea, the banana (since she loveeees banana a lot!). So it looked like I (as the orange monkey) hand over a banana (to represent the birthday gift) to her (the purple monkey).

This is the result....

More bananas yaayyyyy!!! :P

She loved it! Horrayyy!!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Garden-themed paper quilling art

It was the first week of January 2014, when my host mother celebrated her 41st birthday. As it was after Christmas, and once again I didn't have that much of money left to buy gift (lol), I thought about making something for her. And since I began to b e fond of paper quilling art, I thought of making something with a theme she likes. And the decision was to make garden-themed paper quilling art. 7

I noticed she likes gardening. The house I live in has a quite big garden and in a good care. We have different types of fruits (e.g. apples, raspberries, blackberries, pears, cherries, strawberries), herbs, and flowers (pff many of them, I can not even mention one by one hehe). So I figured to think of garden-related paper quilling art. This is what I made for her...

Thanks for reading :)

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Japanese girl paper quilling

So as you may have seen my previous post about how I first got introduced to paper quilling, I then made more and more creations. Well, not that much, only when I am in the mood or when I feel strongly to do. But then came the time when it was almost Christmas. And I didn't have that much of money left to buy a gift for a good friend of mine. She is from Mexico and at that moment we had been friends for almost a year, so I thought of making something for her. And this is what I made...

Well.. maybe you could not really see the eyes hehehehehe.. I made it too small. But well, I am still a beginner :P. I didn't have brown color so I used colored pen to replace brown-colored paper. It turned out I didn't have to spend more time in making more of those rolled paper hehe. So good for me as well. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

How I got introduced to Paper quilling

It's a quite interesting story on how I got introduced to paper quilling. First time I saw a paper quilling art was years ago back in my home country, in Asia. I accidentally saw Yulia Brodskaya's website where she put beautiful artworks of hers. I began to be interested to the beauty of her art pieces, but from where I came from I didn't think I could find materials to do so. So I was just enjoying by looking of it. Eventually I forgot about it.

Then came the time when I moved to Denmark. It was after around 8 months I resided to Copenhagen, when I suddenly saw this package of pre-cut paper (in danish it is called papistrimler), which was sold at this store called Søstrenes Grene. At the moment I saw it, I was very excited because it reminded me of my long-forgotten interest. I then started to google around and found many lovely pictures of other people's paper quilling art. I began to make some stuff, well first I have to admit I followed some tutorials, but then I made my own art.

The above one was for my girlfriend's sister. And then I made one for my girlfriend ;). It's this one....

And then for the family in Copenhagen, whom is my host family.

More to come in the future ;)