Friday, October 3, 2014

Birthday gift for my host kids

I am so grateful for the chance to live together with my current host family. I have been living in Denmark for almost 2 years now and with them it has been 1 year and 2 months. My host parents have 2 kids, a boy and a girl named Caspar and Frida. When they had their birthdays, I also would like to give them something that I made by myself.

Caspar loves Lego, robots, all boy stuff, whilst Frida loves all things related to princess stuff. Well at the moment I could make animal-shaped paper quilling. Caspar loves everything with dinosaur and Frida loves rabbits.

Here are what I made..

And this is for Caspar..

When I gave the one for Caspar, it is actually a card. I wrote him something like:

''Dear Caspar, this dinosaur represents you as a lovely, happy and strong boy. I hope you remain the same forever. Hugs''

After he read that, he started to be teary, as well as my host mother and host father hehe. And I am so weak when it comes to see people starting to be teary, so I began to be teary as well. Quite awkward but well they love it and I will always remember that moment :)

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